P-04-408 Child and Adolescent Eating Disorder Service - Correspondence from the petitioner to the Chair, 08.11.17


Dear Mr Rowlands


Thank you, once again, for giving me the opportunity to respond to the recent letter received from Mr Vaughan.


I am at a loss as to how to keep telling you the same thing without boring you all to tears, but onward we shall go, until there is resolution to the primary request of this petition. 


Mr Vaughan is correct in his assertion that 'eating disorders are debilitating illnesses', however they need not be 'long term' if treated effectively and with early intervention. It is well known that full recovery from an eating disorder can be, and should be expected.


The £1 million is exactly what this petition is all about, and whilst Mr Vaughan is seemingly applauding it, the truth is: the investment remains only for adult eating disorder services.


The £250,000 is only provided in South Wales, a fact that is beyond comprehension as Wales is a vast nation, and not just based in the south of the country. Unfortunately, Eating Disorders do not discriminate by geography.


The £500,000 provision is for the training and transition service, of which I sit on the committee to provide good use of the money and disseminate who should have the training, when and delivered by whom. 

It is not for early intervention, which is still my fundamental cry through this petition.


The new NICE guidelines state:

1.2.1: People with eating disorders should be assessed and receive treatment at the earliest opportunity.

1.2.4: Although eating disorders can develop at any age, be aware that the risk is highest for young men and women between 13-17 years of age. 


As Mr Vaughan also alludes to the refreshed framework for eating disorders I have provided it here for your interest, alongside the NICE guidelines (May 2017).


It may be of interest that I am on the committee for the integration of the NICE guidelines into Wales, plus am the carer that was used by Public Health Wales to speak at their service user days for the refresh document. 






The stalling of the minister regarding further provision of funding specifically for early intervention in CAMHS is rather wearing. He fails to mention my specifics regarding the SPEED team in North Wales, and the fact that the outcome measures are looking good as far as treatment with a multi disciplinary approach to treating young people at the onset of the eating disorders is going. It may be prudent to obtain these figures from Dr Glaze and his team.


Thank you once again for your ongoing interest in seeing a resolution and further investment to early intervention in CAMHS. 


As always, and Happy Christmas! 


Helen Missen